• Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist ; Past experiences: Dream Analysis /10 Years Experience •Psychotherapist / Use of Gestalt, Jungian, Zen, Reality and Energy Therapies /10 Years Experience •EMDR • Men and Their Journey: the neuroscience of the male brain, and the implications in sexuality, education and relationship • Women: Their Transformation and Empowerment ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs) / 21 years experience •Ordained Interfaith Minister & Official Celebrant • Social Justice Advocate • Child and Human Rights Advocate • Spiritual Guide and Intuitive • Certified Reiki Practitioner • Mediation / Conflict Resolution • “Intentional Love” Parenting Strategy Groups • Parenting Workshops • Coaching for parents of Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children • International Training: Israel & England • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing • Post-911 and Post-Katrina volunteer

MSW - UNC Chapel Hill

BSW - UNC Greensboro

With immense love I wish Happy Birthday to my three grandchildren!

May 22: Brannock

May 30: Brinkley

June 12: Brogan

All three have birthdays in the same 22 days of the year ....what a busy time for the family!

"An Unending Love"

This blog and video is devoted and dedicated to my precious daughter Jennifer, my grand daughters Brogan and Brinkley, and my grand son Brannock. They are hearts of my heart. Our connection through many lives..... is utterly infinite.

The Definition of Genius


"ONLY LOVE PREVAILS" ...."I've loved you for a thousand years; I'll love you for a thousand more....."

As we are in the winter of our lives, I dedicate this to Andrew, Dr. John J.C. Jr. and Gary W., MD, (who has gone on before us). My love and admiration is unfathomable for each of you..........and what you have brought into this profoundly to me.
The metaphors are rich and provocative; we're in them now. This world is indeed disappearing, and the richest eternal world awaits us!
The intensity, as was in each of the three of us, is in yellow!
In my heart forever.........

Slowly the truth is loading
I'm weighted down with love
Snow lying deep and even
Strung out and dreaming of
Night falling on the city
Quite something to behold
Don't it just look so pretty
This disappearing world

We're threading hope like fire

Down through the desperate blood
Down through the trailing wire
Into the leafless wood

Night falling on the city
Quite something to behold
Don't it just look so pretty
This disappearing world
This disappearing world

I'll be sticking right there with it
I'll be by y
our side
Sailing like a silver bullet
Hit 'em 'tween the eyes
Through the smoke and rising water
Cross the great divide
Baby till it all feels right

Night falling on the city
Sparkling red and gold
Don't it just look so pretty
This disappearing world
disappearing world
This disappearing world
This disappearing world


In “Conversations with God”, by Neale Donald Walsch, there is a warning I think of. I refer to it as the Atlantis passage, and I've quoted it a few times before." As I have said, this isn't the first time your civilization has been at this brink,"

God tells Walsch. "I want to repeat this, because it is vital that you hear this. Once before on your planet, the technology you developed was far greater than your ability to use it responsibly. You are approaching the same point in human history again. It is vitally important that you understand this. Your present technology is threatening to outstrip your ability to use it wisely. Your society is on the verge of becoming a product of your technology rather than your technology being a product of your society. When a society becomes a product of its own technology, it destroys itself."

Friday, January 8, 2010

Detachment, not Abandonment

     Detachment is an inner state of calmness and being uninvolved on the emotional and mental planes. It is definitely not indifference. People who are indifferent do not care about anything, and are not active and initiative. On the other hand, people who possess emotional and mental detachment can be very active and caring, though they accept calmly whatever happens. Such people accept the good and the bad equally, because they enjoy inner balance and peace.
     If they cannot do or change something, it does not disturb their peace of mind. If they are convinced of the importance of some action, they will pursue it whole-heartedly, and can ignore distractions easily. If they succeed with what they do, that is fine, and if they don't, they will either try again or forget the matter and move to something else.
     Count the number of times you got emotionally involved in something against your will and better judgment. How many times have you got angry, frustrated or disappointed? How many times have your moods swung high and low? Each time you tell yourself that next time you will stay cool and calm, and yet each time you forget what you said.
     When it comes to personal affairs, it is hard to stay emotionally uninvolved. You get involved, and this is quite natural, otherwise life would have been boring. Involvement makes life ticking and active. Yet, it advisable to develop at least some detachment, as this will help you in many situations.
     Detachment is important in daily life, in the pursuit of ambitions and on the spiritual path. It is of great importance to everyone, whether pursuing spirituality or material success. Every spiritual tradition speaks about detachment, but detachment cannot be confined only to spirituality.
     Let me give you some examples of detachment. Suppose you meditate, but thoughts keep coming into your mind. You get emotionally involved with your thoughts, follow them and forget about your meditation and concentration. If you were able to manifest detachment it would have been easier to ignore the disturbing thoughts.          Detachment would have helped you to stay collected and concentrated.
What happens when somebody says to you something that you do not like? You will probably become angry, unhappy or insulted. Why is this so? Because you value other's people words and opinions more than you value your own thoughts and opinions of yourself. You let other's people thoughts, words and actions influence your happiness, actions and reactions. Your happiness and actions depend on them.
     On the other hand, if you are able to stay detached, you will not be disturbed. You will stay calm. You will even be able to benefit from what they say. You will not waste hours thinking about their words.
Have you ever thought how much time and energy is wasted every day brooding on useless thoughts and feelings because of the lack of detachment? Much of the anger, frustration, unhappiness, disappointments and fights are due to lack of detachment.
     One of the ways to develop detachment is through meditation. It is a gradual and automatic process. In meditation one endeavors not to follow the thoughts and feelings that rise. It is a time of a mental and emotional vacation. Meditating day after day develops the habit of staying cool and calm, not only during meditation, but also in all daily life.
     If you practice any kind of meditation, sooner or later you will start to experience detachment. You will find that you feel and behave in a different way under circumstances that previously raised anger or agitation. You will find that you handle your daily affairs of life in a calm and relaxed way.
     Real detachment means inner strength, and the ability to function calmly and with full inner control under all circumstances. A detached person is not harassed and hurried, and can do everything with concentration and attention, thus insuring a successful outcome of his actions.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How to love and parent an "old soul"

A mother of seven uses a method called, “show, remind and tell” to raise a child who is an ‘old soul’

GUEST COLUMN: DR. CHRISTINE JAX-CASTILLO — If you are a parent, you probably question if you are doing all that you can to ensure that your children find their own spiritual paths, and reach their full potential.  You wonder how you can help your children progress on their spiritual journeys, while encouraging them to follow your rules.
How can you can teach them right from wrong, while teaching them to see the good in all things?  How can you keep them safe, while relaying to them that fear is an illusion of the ego?
oldchildsoulsm1 How to love and parent a Dakota FanningNow people are claiming that their children are “indigo” children or“old soul” children, and you wonder . . . are yours?
Because of your spiritual evolution and path, it is most likely that all your children, born or adopted, are “old soul” children.  But remember, we are all special and all have a reason for being on this planet at this time: we are each here for individual spiritual growthand to inspire further growth in others, and, if you are a parent, you have agreed to juggle both.  In the case of rearing an “old soul” child, you have agreed to expedite their spiritual development for their benefit, as well as for the benefit of humanity, as the children who are traveling this path have agreed to do so.

Common traits of “old soul” children

  • Develop faster emotionally and intellectually than other children, yet may struggle in school due to constrictions on their creativity and critical thinking abilities
  • Understand and demand justice long before such development is typically seen in children
  • Demonstrate a global perspective and ask about people not like themselves
  • Articulate a sense of charity and service; they want to help others
  • Remember past lives
  • Question the authority of adults and leaders, and demand respect for themselves
  • Possess one or more “paranormal abilities:” ie. may see or communicate with non-physical beings such as angels, spirits, and ghosts; heal by touch; remember past lives; share mutual dreams with others; predict future events; sense when something is wrong; view remotely; experience astral projection
  • Have a deep interest in religion or spiritual practices
  • Communicate easily and actively with their guides, even if they have yet to identify what gives them knowledge about things

How to be a model parent for an “old soul” child

red heartsmall How to love and parent a Dakota Fanning
To raise an “old soul” child you need to 
model (show proper behavior), induct (bring out of the child what he or she already knows), and instruct (provide new information).  I refer to this as “show, remind, tell.”
Show your children how to be good citizens and stewards of the earth, and be mindful that they are going to emulate much of your behavior.  Also keep in mind that they will quickly recognize hypocrisy and just as quickly lose respect for you.   Do your best to walk your talk. This means not using physical force, coercion, insults or shaming to get what you want, including proper behavior, from your child.
I always tell people, “If you wouldn’t do or say something to or in front of your boss, don’t do or say it to or in front of your children.”
You can model empathy by speaking your thoughts out loud: “I guess I should pick-up this box I dropped.  It wouldn’t be nice to leave more work for the grocer.”  Show grace in how you admit mistakes and don’t blame others.  Find the good in all situations and in all people. When you are struggling with something someone has done, talk out loud to your child about how you are trying to understand their decisions without judging them.

Remember to teach love to all children

Remind your children of who they are and where they come from.  Let them know everything is made out of the same energy, love, which makes all people equal and everything worthy of care and respect.  Remind them that happiness is our right, and that it is found only in the moment because the past and present do not concurrently exist.
Help them remember that preparation for the next moment takes knowledge, good work, honesty, and faith; they will see whatever they believe and expect.  Discuss with them how forgiveness is essential for personal growth and happiness; peace can only exist if there is forgiveness. It may help to develop meditative and spiritual practices with them as part of your lifestyle.
Tell them every day that you love them, and tell them regularly that you are proud of them and amazed by them.   Let them develop with you the household rules and the consequences for breaking those rules.  Make sure they understand why there are rules, and be consistent and calm when you enforce those rules and enact punishment.  Give them opportunities to care for other people and to care for the earth.   Tell your children to follow their dreams, and then give them space and advice for how to do so.  Allow them to fulfill their dreams for themselves, not yourdreams for them.
Introduce your children to many different spiritual practices, including yours, but let them choose what is comfortable for them.  Let them experience chanting, drumming, walking a labyrinth, sitting silently with incense — experiment.  Point out to your children all that you have learned from other people and how much is achieved when people work together.  Explain that there are multiple perspectives of, and reactions to, any situation.
Create a life for yourself beyond parenting so you can allow and encourage your child to grow beyond you, your beliefs, and your needs, but always, always be your child’s biggest fan.
christine How to love and parent a Dakota FanningDr. Christine Jax-Castillo has a B.A. in Child Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Education.  She is an author and international spiritual coach, consultant and speaker. She and her husband have seven children, ages 7 – 25, and they reside in West Palm Beach, Florida.
(Angel photo by Cyndi Ingle.)

"Another Look At Reincarnation"

by Cara Newman

     Reincarnation is a commonly known belief regardless of its acceptance as one’s personal dogma. Due to the new age movement in the mid to late twentieth century, as well as the blossoming of many Eastern religions in the West, this ancient Eastern doctrine has truly gained strong recognition and popularity in the contemporary world.
     Even though as strongly as many fundamental Christians might argue against reincarnation otherwise, one might be surprised to find that the similar teaching of personal responsibility and its effects such as “reap what you sow” in Christianity. From the Bible, Galatians VI (King James Version), it states “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” After all, perhaps the core teaching of reincarnation is not just a belief system of the East, it is embedded in the center of human civilization and the longing for an eternal life.
     Unfortunately, reincarnation is widely misunderstood as only a belief system of the afterlife. Yes, a “component” of the teaching on reincarnation speaks of the return of another lifetime. However, its core focuses on our personal choices of the life “right now”.
     What happens after death has been a long debated subject and will continue to be so for as long as the human existence. This great unknown brings many fears as well as enormous hopes. The question is: Why are we so eager to know about the afterlife? Some of us pray that we go to Heaven after we die, while many others believe that if life is lived well this time, one might be allowed to return to the physical world and learn many more spiritual lessons under much better circumstances in future lifetimes. However, if we take a critical look at both belief systems, there is an unspoken acceptance of that “one’s choices and actions have immense effects on his or her future, this life, the afterlife, or for some, another lifetime.”
     Regardless of the acceptance of reincarnation as a personal doctrine, one cannot take on the responsibilities of our lives lightly. All of us have choices in life. However, choice brings responsibilities and consequences. It is the beauty of free will.
     In hope, in the vast opportunities of life, we aspire to choose well, live well, and leave all those around us a better place. When we depart, will we come back for another round called “life”? We will only one day realize…

The American Psyche: Tipping Toward Solitude?

By Bella DePaulo, Ph.D.

Monday, January 4, 2010

"Living While Dying"

Emotional Intensity in Gifted Children - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

Emotional Intensity in Gifted Children - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

Children: "How to Win the War on Whining" - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

Children: "How to Win the War on Whining" - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

"What's Wrong with Reasoning with Kids?"-Samalin - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

"What's Wrong with Reasoning with Kids?"-Samalin - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

How to Handle Your Child's Temper Tantrum" - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

How to Handle Your Child's Temper Tantrum" - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

"How to Discipline A Child Effectively Without Spanking&q... - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

"How to Discipline A Child Effectively Without Spanking&q... - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What Is Spiritual Psychology?

     Spiritual Psychology is based on an understanding of humans being multi-layered entities with a Mind, Body and Spirit. Commonly known as integral, transpersonal, or spiritual psychology, it is a method that seeks to explore the full range of human potential in relationship with the soul.
     As the Age of Reason evolved the science of psychology separated spirituality from the human condition as behavioral scientists tried to understand the mind separately from the soul. When you separate the mind from the soul you are left with an insufferable complex of emotional neuroses, which is why the Freudian psychologies focused almost entirely on neurotic behaviors and their roots in human infancy. Additionally when you separate the soul from the mind, you are often left with an infantile spirituality that cannot relate to the physical world, the responsibilities, relationships and complex emotions within it.
     The movement to merge psychology and spirituality together again has been progressing for decades. It seems our modern times have finally accepted or broadened the definition of 'spiritual' to mean more than just mainstream religious beliefs. Today more alternative beliefs are coming out of the closet and working to reconcile the spiritual and physical aspects of our human self for healing the whole of a person; mind/body/spirit.
     Long after the Freudians a new concept of psychology began to develop known as Existential thought. This therapy starts with the belief that although humans are essentially alone in the world, but we long to be connected to others. People want to have meaning in each other's lives, but ultimately we must come to realize that we cannot depend on others for our validation. The result of this revelation is anxiety in the knowledge that our validation must come from within and not from others.
     This perspective is widely held in Metaphysics as an accurate hypothesis for discussing the responsibility of the soul to the choices and conditions of the individual spirit. In other words, we cannot blame others for the choices we have made, nor the spiritual choices we selected to work through in this incarnated embodiment.
     It's no longer taboo to talk about karma, reincarnation and the affects of our past and past lives upon the issues and trials we face today. Spiritual Psychology takes the step beyond scientific psychology and tries to merge the wisdom of both the physical and spiritual experiences together again. Regardless of what that spiritual path is. After all, when more than 80% of the worlds population holds some type of spiritual belief, why wouldn't we try to understand the human condition from both a physical and spiritual perspective.
     Spiritual Psychology, seeks to understand the three layers of the human being. The person we display to the world, the person we see our self as, and the person we really are within our spiritual existence. This process of understanding helps an individual gain insight into the trials we feel that have moved us away from our spiritual path, created karma, and consequently caused us to feel separated from the Divine force within our life and our own Higher Self. Through spiritual work and therapy, we can let go of these pains and fears to gain understanding about the lessons our soul seeks to acquire and to see ourselves in a new light. To bring about a holistic healing for the whole being of mind, body and spirit.

Earlier bedtimes may help protect adolescents against depression and suicidal thoughts

Earlier bedtimes may help protect adolescents against depression and suicidal thoughts

Friday, January 1, 2010

The children of this fifth evolution: Indigo Children

Some years ago, I was called by the principal of a local high school.  She called me to find out whether I treated "Indigo Children". I had never heard of this term, but I gave it some credibility since she appeared well-versed on the subject.  I did some cursory research which was interesting.  Fast forward about five years, and the clinician with whom I was doing a training, had this focus as her specialization. After a year of some training by her, and reading extensive literature, I began to contact a few clinicians at Harvard and several other universities.  While they did not use that specific term, they discussed with me the fascinating history. 

At one point, after I was convinced of the efficacy, I had a conversation with my daughter who was then about 27. She agreed with some resistance to view a documentary with me, so that I could share my interest.  I made the ultimate parental mistake of watching her reactions very closely, and mentioned I was certain that she was in that category (and still am!).  Well, that led to her censure of this, calling "Indigo" a "label".  While the documentary addressed that very subject, I was a little cranky about her view.

No less than a week had gone by, when I read about that very debate in the professional circles who were actively researching it!  It seemed that she had highlighted the controversy immediately!  Well, I never called her an "Indigo" again, but still kept my sense that this group had to have some sort of identification in order to study and investigate.  But I never use the term any more without giving silent credence to my daughter's wisdom, and prefacing it with, "Well, some people fell that....".  You get it.

Since then I remain acutely involved and for starters let me provide a little "new" history....for there is actually much before that.

THE PEOPLE OF THE INDIGO RAY, or the Blue Ones, have been on this planet for a while, but have not manifested in such great numbers for a very long time. There has always been a random sprinkling of Indigos in the population in all generations, but these people were fairly rare before the final third of the Twentieth Century. Indigos have been with us since the dawn of
time, and many have contributed much to our advancement- some were famous, many were not. All were unique and gifted.
The current heavy surge of Indigo Children arrivals have manifested in five distinct and discernable decants or generations of one decade each. Each generation has distinguishing characteristics,
auric veils, and Awakening/Saturn’s Return years.

Generation One (Alpha): Born between 1958-1968. Born with blue-green-violet overlays, camouflaged with tans. Saturn’s Return/Awakening years for this generation were 1986-1996. (Age 28 for each year.) This generation is now in their Post Awakening years, and is in the process of rediscovering and recovering their Gifts. Some are currently transiting into their
Octarine phase.

Generation Two (Beta): Born between 1968-1978: This generation also came in with the blue-green-violet overlay, but without the tan camouflage. The Saturn’s Return/Awakening years for this generation were 1996-2006. This generation is also Post-Awakening.

Generation Three (Gamma): Born between 1978-1988: Here is the first generation of minimally overlaid Indigos. If they have an overlay at all, it is generally violet, with some appearances of
Crystal/Octarine. This is where some of the earliest manifestations of apparent ADD and ADHD in Indigo children began. Saturn’s Return/Awakening for this generation will be from 2006-2016.

Generation Four (Delta): 1988-1998: The first of the ‘pure’ Indigos with no color overlay at all- only the highly chameleonic Crystal/Octarine. These are the ‘wildest’ of the apparent ADD/ADHD group, and Guidance states that it is possible that it is the rapid-fire overstimulation by the public media of this time acting on the crystal overlay that is driving the Indigo child to distraction. Suggestions of the use of slower rhythms and deep, warm colors in their environment, rather than the use of drugs, may stop these ‘oscillations’ that make them ping off the walls, and give the Crystal/Octarine element in their overlays something to use for grounding. This will also soothe the Indigo child when he/she is overstimulated by the noisy, flashy environment. It will also make their transition into adolescence smoother- this group will have the hardest puberty, and, if not carefully monitored, the highest drug/alcohol and suicide rate of all the cohorts. For this group, Saturn’s Return/Awakening will be from 2016-2026.

Generation Five (Omega): 1998-2008: According to my Guidance, this will be the last decade of pure Indigos, and the end of the major cohorts. They may have as many difficulties in
acclimitizing themselves to the environment as the Delta generation, and depending upon the local conditions, may have an extremely difficult childhood. Many of these Indigos will be born of earlier Indigos, and some will be reincarnations of Alpha and Beta generation Indigos who chose to leave early.
Depending upon local conditions, this generation will experience its Saturn’s Return/Awakening from 2026-2036. Other elements may speed up or back off the time table. The number of people of the Indigo ray will drop off sharply during this generation. They will still be born, but not as frequently.

If you are a Beta generation Indigo Children , on the verge of or are presently in the midst of your Saturn’s Return period, this guidance should help you. It is very rare to see a fully Awakened person under the age of thirty. For Indigos, this difficult time serves to strip away the overlays and camouflage, and reveal to them their true potential and psychic capabilities. The transitory period for an Indigo is generally longer than that of a normal person- sometimes up to three years. Indigo Children may feel totally naked without their overlays, and if they do not understand what is happening to them, they may panic and think they’re going mad. Careful direction, close peer contact, and compassionate guidance is essential during these vulnerable times. You will make it, and wonders will await you on the other side of this passage.

A note: These dates and generations aren't set in concrete. If you were born before 'Alpha', that doesn't diminish your status at all. There were just fewer of you around. There will always
be Indigo Childrens in the population, but sometimes there are more than other times.

"Giving and Receiving" - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

"Giving and Receiving" - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog |

"Go Ahead, Say You're Sorry"

"Go Ahead, Say You're Sorry" - Madelaine Watson, MSW, CIM's MySpace Blog

"there were no words, but images flooded every cell in her being ...4 and a half decades!"

"there were no words, but images flooded every cell in her being ...4 and a half decades!"