Perceptual Experiment
Science and Fluid Intelligence
When scientists on the static intelligence end of the spectrum encounter evidence which seriously questions the established paradigm, they attempt to discredit the new information using laws and principles previously agreed upon under the old paradigm. If they fail at this, the new evidence is then deemed not worthy of study and discarded. At worst, the evidence is actively attacked as being irrational or unscientific, even though it may be easily tested and verified.
Scientists with a high degree of fluid intelligence who are attracted to study matters outside the current paradigm are often labeled kooks or wacky by those operating with static intelligence.
Yet history shows that it is often these "kooky" scientists who go on to make the most
astonishing discoveries which pave the way for entire new areas of study which were once considered nonsense. Einstein, Galileo, and Pasteur were all ridiculed by many respected scientists of their day for their amazing discoveries which ushered in entire new branches of knowledge.
All of us are sometimes resistant to letting go of old beliefs, while at other times we are excited to explore new ways of thinking and being. Static intelligence and fluid intelligence are but two ends of a continuum, and each of us shifts to varying points on that continuum over time. To demonstrate this, visit the link below to take a short test on the sharpness of your perceptual abilities:
Things are not always as they appear. Now watch this impressive eight-minute clip which may expand your beliefs about animal intelligence:
While reading through the materials in the Hidden Knowledge Course, be prepared for the unexpected and consider choosing the more fluid end of this spectrum of intelligence. Consider also opening to support in exploring areas where you might feel stuck in old belief patterns.
In recent years, many key pioneers have been successful in operating within the modern scientific paradigm with a very high degree of fluid intelligence. These courageous individuals have used accepted scientific principles and careful research to challenge old paradigm beliefs. Below are a few shining examples of this pioneering group:
- Stanford University's neuropsychologist Karl Pribram and his in-depth studies of the holographic qualities of consciousness.
- University of Connecticut Psychologist Kenneth Ring who completed breakthrough studies of near-death experiences.
- Dr. Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ (see his excellent paper) of Stanford Research Institute in their copious studies of remote viewing and nonlocality.
- UCLA's Valerie Hunt in her systematic studies of human energy fields and measurable psychic phenomena.
- Dr. Bruce Lipton's pioneering cell biology research suggesting that contrary to popular belief, genes are not the primary regulators of life. Rather the way we perceive our life and world may be a key factor in determining gene activity.
- Princeton University's PEAR Laboratory (now closed) which established the ability of consciousness to interact with physical matter.
- Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe Institute which teaches methods to achieve out of body experiences and remote viewing (see his landmark bookFar Journeys).
- The many pioneers of quantum physics who are finding that for deeper understanding of our world, it may be impossible to separate the physical world from consciousness.
Two classics which challenge static scientific paradigms using reliable, verifiable research from hundreds of scientific studies are the books The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot and The Field by Lynne McTaggart.The paradigm-busting film
What the Bleep!? covers similar territory in a less scientific, yet very fun way.
These engaging books and film are highly recommended for those interested in exploring the work of scientists who are promoting greater awareness of ourselves and our universe, and helping people to develop more fluidity in consciousness.
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