It is time for me to address my views on President Obama, which are probably quite different than most of yours. What we observe from his actions and read in the news clearly doesn’t speak well for him. I think, however, that people are soon going to get a big surprise from our President for a number of reasons. While Hillary Clinton was the ‘chosen one’ of the powerful and wealthy, I believe it is no accident that Obama became President.
I believe he is there to guide us through these times, but most definitely not to do our work for us. The times of a ‘great white father’ to lead us are over, and I think President Obama knows that. What he does as he permits himself to be personally pilloried is almost Machiavellian: he brings the powerful interests in close in his Administration and does what they want, and the result is that finally we are able to see in all its ugliness what has been going on for a longer period than most of us likely realize. As I see it, to the people who are really running things, it doesn’t matter who is President, or which party is in control, because one way or the other, the powerful still intend to run the show their way, to call the shots.
While we may get angry with Obama – because we are used to someone saving us, or at least acting like they are saving us – I believe he is pushing us to to use our ‘people power’ just like they are doing in the Middle East. At the very least, we are certainly becoming aware of what has been going on for too many years in the unseen government that we still call a democracy. Maybe, just maybe, we are waking up!
Many people are upset because Obama went into Libya, and I was one of those people, if for no other reason than it was against the Constitution for him to do so. Then today, I read the article posted earlier today on my blog about Samantha Powers, who apparently had a hand in Obama’s decision to enter Libya. When I read that article, I had to stop, think, and focus on thoughts I have long had floating in the back of my mind, and I came to the realization that since we are in a time of incredible change, it just might be possible that there are many motives, perhaps not quite so obvious, for going into Libya, some good, and some not so good. Early on concerning the Revolution in Egypt, I read that we – meaning the Empire – want change in the Middle East, because we want newer governments that we can more easily control; after all, it’s all about oil, really, isn’t it? We would let the people have their democracy, but it would a democracy like ours: we have nothing anymore but the trappings. The idea is that that this would be just fine for these people, especially since they are only now emerging from under tyrants thumbs. They would appreciate it – and be none the wiser.
I’ve also read that Egyptians may like to think they are heading towards democracy, but no matter how hard they strive, no matter what changes they make, as long as they continue with the same economic system that is presently still in operation, their lives really will be no different than they were before the revolution. Do we really consider the Egyptians, and by extension the entire Middle East, to be that dumb about Empire?
So it appears Obama went into Libya for oil and control – but did he? Or was it the powerful through Obama, who went into Libya for oil and control? Do the powerful have one goal in mind, and perhaps Obama, who hung back for so long, now through the help of Samantha Powers and others like her, sees another more subtle, possible goal? This is the very first time outside forces have gone into a country to save innocent civilians from their leader. Are we breaking those long maintained rules of engagement, only because the powerful want control? I wouldn’t doubt that, but instead, could Obama be in a position where he has made a choice to go in for oil and control – because he must – as well as to try to help the people of Libya gain their freedom?
If we destabilize the government – destabilize it enough, might it be somewhat more likely that these people – and the Egyptians and others – will be smart enough to finally gain their freedom – not only from their homegrown dictators, but from the United States Empire, as well? Could Obama perhaps understand that?
I hear people saying those in the Middle East are asleep; they don’t understand, they haven’t a clue. What I’m reading, however, also says those in the Middle East, particularly their young people, are well-educated, savvy, smart, and they’ve traveled beyond their shores and have a pretty clear picture of the world, something it seems we as Americans do not yet have. How can we, when we can be taunted into a general fear of all Muslims?
In other words, I’m beginning to think that maybe the people in the Middle East ‘get it’, and that maybe we do not yet ‘get it’. In my opinion, the Empire, which is just about broke, will never dominate the Middle East – it will eventually gain its freedom, and I believe President Obama knows this.
Permit me to suggest that on the point of what Obama is doing or trying to do in the Middle East, the jury is still out. If you will read the article about Samantha Powers, maybe you will understand my point – and maybe not. Time will tell, and I think we are rapidly approaching crunch time on issues like these. (For what crunch time might just mean, read my post called The Nuggets I Found in David’s Recent Post.) Thanks for listenin’