It seems more and more that the holidays are becoming mercenary, and sanitized of human compassion and love. People attack each other in stores, for a gift for themselves .. and other head-shaking tales become a norm, rather than a bizarre incident.
As a mom, who loved the entire season and celebrated the last quarter of the year, I have found it curious that many parents I observe in public are so focused with 'eyes on the prize'... the material prize. As they walk, they appear to be oblivious to the holiday's joys through the eyes of the smallest members of their family. Their toddler's cries which are so obviously ones of exhaustion and sensory stimulation, yet go unheeded (at best) or greeted with a Merry Christmas smack on the butt. Antithetical. Simply antithetical.
I just read an article about a Vet who came home, and sold one of his two Purple Hearts to be able to afford some food and gifts for his young family. I admit that took my breath away. Antithetical. Simply antithetical.
The holidays, at the very least, are a reminder (allegedly) of the higher sides of us ... some days to reflect on who we are.....even if that reflection takes place cooking a turkey, or wrapping of gifts. What have our minds become that we cannot 'take custody' of them, if you will such a manner?
This post, one of Ho'Oponopono, is one I post at least twice a year. It seems timely to do so again.

Both as a therapist and a human being, it is an interesting clue to me when folks are uncomfortable with regular use of, "I'm sorry" or "Thank you". However this blog is not for the psychological hints of character. It is about a celebration for those who can do that, or who actively aspire to and work towards that.
A couple of years ago, a good friend introduced me to Ho'Oponopono. I had never heard of the Hawaiian practice until then, but I discovered it to be immensely healing and with a strong code of personal accountability all at the same time. It is used, among other things, as a form of therapy. me it certainly is. Some (me included) initially discovered a little resistance to saying (even in private) "I'm sorry" or "I thank you" or "I forgive you" or "I love you" someone who might have egregiously hurt us. Therein lies a real point of exploration and personal truth ... and squaring with the Universe! While I believe some faith in a higher power is likely necessary to truly feel the impact of the process, I think the exercise is immensely humbling, empowering, loving, compassionate ... all at once. Sometimes Ho'Oponopono can seem simple and esoteric at the same time. When we have accountability for our human actions is loving and freeing all at once.
I am including the video in this blog (above). I shared it with my adolescent male group therapy, actually wondering what the reaction would be. I was surely surprised with the comments they made to me, one by one, after the group. As I would hear what they had to say about their experiences, I was joyful.
I made a practice to play it most evenings as I would fall asleep ... it simply seemed to provide great clarity and comfort to me. The practice really makes life simple in its own way. The above meditation also has some directions for EFT, so if you have not experienced that, just focus on the actual meditation.
Here is a paste from one of the sites which "breaks it down" into simplicity. Exploring other sites is also immensely uplifting and :
Though it is often held up as a virtue, individual responsibility is almost never meant to convey absoluteindividual responsibility. In fact, some people who are heavily into the idea of responsibility will place blame on others very quickly. This may seem completely reasonable to these people and to many others too; but placing blame like this is in opposition to the ho'oponopono (ho oponopono, hooponopono) belief system. In ho'oponopono the problem is never with someone else - it's in you.
For those who might reject ho'oponopono 100% responsibility, it may help to know that 100% responsibility in ho'oponopono (ho oponopono, hooponopono) is not the same as blame. You don't need to blame yourself for problems - just know that problems you experience are there for you to resolve.
Ho'oponopono can be applied through different processes. Mentally saying 'I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you' is a ho'oponopono process. Drinking what's referred to as blue solar water -- tap water poured into a blue glass bottle and set in the sun or under a non fluorescent light for an hour or more -- is considered to be a ho'oponopono (ho oponopono, hooponopono) process. The key to these and any other ho'oponopono process is consistent application. The more you put ho'oponopono to use, the more you can experience life changing results.