“Evolution is speeding up, not time. Consciousness is evolving, becoming aware of itself as creation's mentor. Children are evolution's front edge. They push at boundaries... challenge the status quo...irritate convention. That is their job...to set free all that sullies the human heart and blinds the mind to the relationship between the Creator and the Created." ~ P.M.H. Atwater~
• Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist ; Past experiences: Dream Analysis /10 Years Experience •Psychotherapist / Use of Gestalt, Jungian, Zen, Reality and Energy Therapies /10 Years Experience •EMDR • Men and Their Journey: the neuroscience of the male brain, and the implications in sexuality, education and relationship • Women: Their Transformation and Empowerment • ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs) / 21 years experience •Ordained Interfaith Minister & Official Celebrant • Social Justice Advocate • Child and Human Rights Advocate • Spiritual Guide and Intuitive • Certified Reiki Practitioner • Mediation / Conflict Resolution • “Intentional Love” Parenting Strategy Groups • Parenting Workshops • Coaching for parents of Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children • International Training: Israel & England • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing • Post-911 and Post-Katrina volunteer
MSW - UNC Chapel Hill
BSW - UNC Greensboro
With immense love I wish Happy Birthday to my three grandchildren!
May 22: Brannock
May 30: Brinkley
June 12: Brogan
All three have birthdays in the same 22 days of the year ....what a busy time for the family!
"An Unending Love"
This blog and video is devoted and dedicated to my precious daughter Jennifer, my grand daughters Brogan and Brinkley, and my grand son Brannock. They are hearts of my heart. Our connection through many lives..... is utterly infinite.
The Definition of Genius
"ONLY LOVE PREVAILS" ...."I've loved you for a thousand years; I'll love you for a thousand more....."
Don't it just look so pretty
This disappearing world
We're threading hope like fire
Down through the desperate blood
Night falling on the city
Quite something to behold
Don't it just look so pretty
This disappearing world
This disappearing world
I'll be by your side
Hit 'em 'tween the eyes
Through the smoke and rising water
Cross the great divide
Baby till it all feels right
This disappearing world
This disappearing world
"The degree of our enlightenment is the degree of passion that we will have for the whole world." ~The Greystone Mandala
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." ~ Winston Churchill
Kant: "We are not rich by what we possess, but what we can do without."
"A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires." ~ Paulo Coelho
“It is not the critic who counts,not the man who who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”Theodore Roosevelt
In “Conversations with God”, by Neale Donald Walsch, there is a warning I think of. I refer to it as the Atlantis passage, and I've quoted it a few times before." As I have said, this isn't the first time your civilization has been at this brink,"
God tells Walsch. "I want to repeat this, because it is vital that you hear this. Once before on your planet, the technology you developed was far greater than your ability to use it responsibly. You are approaching the same point in human history again. It is vitally important that you understand this. Your present technology is threatening to outstrip your ability to use it wisely. Your society is on the verge of becoming a product of your technology rather than your technology being a product of your society. When a society becomes a product of its own technology, it destroys itself."
Saturday, September 26, 2015
CONFIRMED: New Study Proves That Fox News Makes You Stupid
Jeb! Bush insults all American women, from the entirety of American history
Monday, September 21, 2015
"They didn't think he had a bomb." ~ DAILY KOS
Sunday, September 20, 2015
"I am Carolina" - YouTube
Friday, September 18, 2015
Making 3-D objects disappear: Ultrathin invisibility cloak created -- ScienceDaily
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Did Bernie Sanders get Republican employers to agree with Medicare for all?
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) likely gave Republicans attempting to overturn Obamacare heartburn during a recent full committee hearing of the US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pension.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
All in the name of religious addiction.........
"Kim Davis stunt demolished in one brilliant tweet"..from Daily Kos
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Less Than Artful Choices: Narcissistic Personality Disorder According to Donald Trump | Big Think
Diagnostic Features
Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder grow up feeling superior and needing to be admired. They have a longstanding pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy. The core feature of this disorder is antagonism(grandiosity, attention-seeking, callousness) which repeatedly puts the individual at odds with other people. This disorder is only diagnosed if: (1) it begins no later than early adulthood, (2) these behaviors occur at home, work, and in the community, and (3) these behaviors lead to clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Narcissistic Personality Disorder should not be diagnosed if its symptoms can be better explained as due to another mental disorder, Substance Use Disorder, or another medical condition.Interpersonal relations of individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are typically impaired because of their feelings of entitlement, need for admiration, and callousness. Although these individuals are usually very ambitious and confident; vocational functioning often is impaired because of intolerance of criticism or defeat.
Like all personality disorders, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a deeply ingrained and enduring behaviour pattern, manifesting as an inflexible response to a broad range of personal and social situations. This behavior represents an extreme or significant deviation from the way in which the average individual in a given culture relates to others. This behaviour pattern tends to be stable.
- Warning: Self-diagnosis of this disorder is usually inaccurate. Accurate diagnosis of this disorder requires assessment by a qualified practitioner trained in psychiatric diagnosis and evidence-based treatment. However, if no such professional is available, our free computerized diagnosis is usually accurate when completed by an informant who knows the patient well. Computerized diagnosis is less accurate when done by patients (because they often lack insight).
Narcissistic traits are very common in adolescents, but most adolescents grow out of this behavior. Unfortunately, for some, this narcissistic behavior persists and intensifies into adulthood; thus they become diagnosed with this disorder.Complications
Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are intolerant of criticism or defeat. They usually respond with defiant counterattack or social withdrawal. Their feelings of entitlement, need for admiration, and disregard for the feelings of others usually significantly impair their social and occupational functioning.Comorbidity
Some other disorders frequently occur with this disorder:
Non-Personality Disorders
Depressive Disorders:
Feeding and Eating Disorders:
- Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthmia); Major Depressive Disorder
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders:
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Substance Use Disorders, especially cocaine
Personality Disorders
Detached Cluster:
Antagonistic Cluster:
- Paranoid Personality Disorder
- Antisocial, Borderline and Histrionic Personality Disorders
Note: Antisocial, Narcissistic, Borderline, and Histrionic Personality Disorders are all closely related since they all share the same core feature ofantagonism. If an individual has one of these antagonistic personality disorders, they are very likely to have another.
Associated Laboratory Findings
No laboratory test has been found to be diagnostic of this disorder.Prevalence
The prevalence of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is ranges from 0% to 6.2% in community samples, and 50% to 75% are males.Effective Therapies
Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are difficult to treat. They view themselves as being superior, and thus feel entitled to be callous, self-centered, and greedy. Their viewpoint is that life is the "survival of the fittest", and they are the "fittest". These individuals lust after fame, fortune and power. Many of these individuals achieve high positions in politics, religion and commerce. Most religious cult leaders have severe Narcissistic Personality Disorder.The effectiveness of treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder is unknown because there are no randomized controlled trials. Individuals with this disorder seldom voluntarily present for treatment. However, individuals with this disorder may threaten suicide during a crisis (e.g., when discovering their spouse's infidelity). The individual may then use hospitalization as a manipulative ploy to win back their spouse, or to publicly expose their spouse's infidelity. Usually only brief hospitalization is required, with the goal being to de-escalate the crisis. Apart from such crisis intervention, most therapists believe that this disorder is very difficult to treat. However, with long-term therapy, some patients do gain insight into how they have become addicted to wealth, fame, or power, and how callous they have become. Admitting that they do have this addiction is the first step to recovery.
Yes, Your T-Shirt Was ‘Made in LA’—and the Worker Got 4 Cents For It |~ The Nation
"Los Angeles just set the course to boost its minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2020. But workers in the city’s garment factories will be lucky if they get paid anything at all..."
CLICK HERE TO READ MOREThursday, September 10, 2015
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Obama Punk-Slaps the Entire GOP Field!
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
"Are You An Indigo?" ~ in5d
At that time I said that I did not, but was planning and training to do so very soon. No, that was not really an untruth because, that quickly, I was already deeply researching this topic.
This following, from the article in5d, might interest you:
Monday, August 31, 2015
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Meet Donald Trump's base --Daily Kos